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Dracmas by Xampiii

Dracmas its a currency mod inspirated in the ancient greek coins.

Draco Animus by LRA10, wildbill22

Minecraft from a dragon's eyes!

Dracomelette by MoriyaShiine

Cookable dragon eggs lol

Dracominer's Magic Mod by dracominer

Adds magic

Draconia by LucasCha_EZ

Mod en alpha

Draconic Additions by FoxMcloud5655

Adds various Draconic Evolution items to help with your mid-game without being OP. Fully configurable.

Draconic Alchemy by Yodamax

An Addon for Draconic Evolution that offers new in world crafting mechanics to pack makers

Draconic Drip by Coolunicorn322, MCreator

An addon for Draconic Evolution, which automatically gives a Draconic Staff of Power when a player first enters a world. Direwolf20's idea. Made with MCreator so I could make the mod more confortably.

Draconic Evolution Addon by Enderman_of_D00M, Brandon3055

An addon that adds the Chaos Guardian from Draconic Evolution to Engender as an ally. Empty unless you have Draconic Evolution.

Draconic Patcher by UvMidnight

Culls unnecessary gl calls for greater compatability

DraconicEvolution: Expansion by SerStarStory & 007killer2

Some generic mod description

Draconix-ThePowerOfUsers by Mysha_VoidWalker

Playeble Build

Drafty Kites by RobertDropTable

Adds localised updrafts to Volarkites from The Betweenlands