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Horse Stats V1.11.2 by lothrazar, Geektor_

Show the statistics of the horse you ride in the F3.

Horse Tack by Misteriawolfe

Assorted Tack for all your horse riding needs!

Horse Tweaks by BlayTheNinth

Adds upgrades for horse saddles, such as frost walker and feather fall. Plus minor tweaks for convenience.

Horse Upgrade Food by Lothrazar

Carrots that upgrade your horses heath, speed, jump height, change its colour, and can transform it into a zombie or skeleton horse.

HorseAccessories by MorpheusZero

Adds recipes for horse armor, saddles, and nametags. Also spawns horses in more biomes.


Mod to add a recipe of Horse Armor.


let's you craft diamond horse armour


This is a mod dedicated to Youtubers PopularMMOs and GamingWithJen!!! This is a mod which addsd three Horse Chestplates. Diamond, Iron and Gold. Each has some powers, one more than the other


This is a mod inspired by PopularMMOs and GamingWithJen. This mod adds in chestplates that give the POWER OF HORSES... new content will come later on.


This mod add horse armor and saddle crafting recipies!


This mod adds some horse related items !

HorseInfo by rumickon

Show horses stats (health, jump strength, speed and owner nickname).


HorseInfoReloaded is inspired by HorseInfo(by TTTA2)

Horseplay by DrCeph

Tools for horses

HosCore by Hossam Mohsen

A required mod for all Hossam Mohsen (HosCraft-7osCraft) mods!


Enter short description here

Hospital Mod - Facilities Pack by Leon90, Leon Neary

Facility and miscellaneous items for the Hospital Mod

Hospital Mod - Pharmacy Pack by Leon90, MCreator

Pharmacy Addition

Hospital Mod - Theatre Pack (Alpha V1) by LeonJah90, MCreator

Theatre Pack (Requires Minecraft Forge)

Hospital Mod - Theatre Pack (Alpha) by leonneary1990, MCreator

Alpha Version