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The Best Axe evvvooaaar!!!

HyperCoreLib Lite by AlperenU15

HyperCore Addon.

HyperDimensionalBag by A.K.

Add HyperDimensional Bags

HyperPlay by TheMonoMew

A lightweight quickplay for the most popular games on the Hypixel network!


Expanding upon the vanilla Minecraft tools and weapons.


Expanding upon the Vanilla Minecraft tools.


Hyper the effects

Hyperion Guns & Robotics by Colenobi for assets and coding, Voidbehemoth for ideas

Hyperion shall be victorious

HyperionCraft by DjGiannuzz

Firing incrase accuracy.

Hypersomnia by 456Xander, Flockenberger

Adding a bed to sleep during the day.

Hypixel - #StopToxicity by boomboompower

This mod allows you to toggle your chat to prevent you from being able to say toxic things. |§r Made with §d<3§r by boomboompower

Hypixel - ToggleChat by boomboompower

Use §9/tc§r to get started! §7|§r Made with §d<3§r by boomboompower

Hypixel - YouTube by boomboompower

Use §9/youtube§r to get started! §7|§r Made with §d<3§r by boomboompower

Hypixel Auto-Report by Maowcraft

A client-side mod specifically made to be used on Hypixel, chatreports and log users spamming TheMcZone links.

Hypixel Autocomplete by 2Pi

Makes hypixel commands easier to use by having autocomplete usernames and more