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HukeCoin by Hukenon

Creative only coins, add crafting recipes w/ CraftTweaker

HukidashiChat by anaso

Hukidashi Chat !

Humagear headset by user, MCreator

Human Mini by Xx_win10_xX, MCreator

Portable Version!

Human mod by Miguel11mf

Humans and herobrine as added




Humans! Human Killers!

Humbling Bundle by Rick South

A minimalistic mod that doubles all entity loot.

Humbling Bundle by Rick South

A minimalistic mod that doubles all dropped entity loot.

Hunger In Peace by squeek

Hunger and normal health regen in peaceful.

Hunger Overhaul by iguana_man

Hunger mechanics overhauled

Hunger Persistence by squeek

Persists hunger across deaths

Hunger Strike

End the tyranny of hunger. Replaces hunger with a modified pre-hunger food system. Can be set on per-player basis.

HungerKeeper by Tictim

Nice shit for U.

HungerTweaker by CoolSquid

Food, glorious food.

Hungering by Noobanidus

Rotten baubles to consume your satiation.

Hungering Darkness by shinoow

The darkness slowly eats away at you. Be sure to bring many torches!