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The World of Sword!!

Leech by korai



Leetsword Mod by Xnet/Dentsor, RUBIDDXX, Popill, Oxey/Mineaworld, mira03, mr_burn

Flann Gaming's Leetsword Mod.

Left 2 Mine by TheCallunxz

A mod for creating and playing 'Left 4 Dead' style maps! 'Left 4 Dead' is property of Valve Corporation all music and sound belongs to them

Left Click Counter Mod by Litl_Toast

Counts how many times you left click. Chanelog: 2.2.0 +Added /LcmColor for customizable color (RGB) +Added /LcmChroma doing this will make the text become rainbow +Made all command names capital

Left To Die by TheAwesomeGem

Left to Die mod.


The First Left 4 Dead mod for mincraft

Legacy Farms by covers1624, All the forestry guys.

Brings back the old farms from forestry.

Legacy Minecraft Kotlin by Nickolay Ilyushin

Provides Kotlin standard library for Minecraft 1.7.10

LegacyPatch by Thomas7520

Fix command executable by console.

LegacyRolePlay by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.

Legend of Zelda (WW) by spacechase0

Legend of Zelda items -- more specifically, from Wind Waker.