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Labaratory by Comp, MCreator


Laboratory Mod

Laboratory Mod by DaviL, MCreator

Laborus by Lergin

a job plugin

LabyMod by LabyStudio, qlow, Fleance

The LabyMod is an All-In-One mod. It contains a whole lot of features and settings. These features are mostly based on the users ideas and requests.

LabyMod by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.

Labyrinth by Danners68, OllyNinjaDude

MGN's Library Mod

Labyrinth Tools by Danners68, OllyNinjaDude

MGN's Labyrinth Tools

Labyrinths API by gottsch

API to enable drafting and building of Labyrinths structures.

Ladder by YUNYAN

Ladder Kit by chupmacabre

Adds a unique mix of static and retractable ladders to the game.

LadderFantasy by MiiTnT, MCreator

LadyLib by Pyrofab

A library for Ladysnake's minecraft mods