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Luppii's Ladders by Luppii


LushCaves by Glymi

various additions

Lutronic's Pixel Art Mod by Lutronic

Convert pictures into Minecraft structures.

Luxury Furnitures by GeniusPilot2016

Copyright 2015-2021 GeniusPilot2016. All rights reserved.

Luxxy Akatsuki by SirLuxxy

Only with permission of @LuxxyGraphics.

Luxxy Armor by SirLuxxy

Exclusive for DBCBlasting server.

Luxxy Heroes by SirLuxxy

Only with permission of @LuxxyGraphics.

LxTweaks by Lorexe

Tweaks recipes and things for my modpacks.

LyAutoAttack by LiYuan

Auto click Lib.

Lycanites Mobs by Lycanite (Richard Nicholson)

Lycanites Mobs is a project that adds a wide range of new mobs to Minecraft. The mod adds a group of mobs to each specific biome type as well as other locations such as from Fire or Lava.
