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NestMod by braders31, MCreator

This is an mod for greyjusticar

Net Music Mod by TartaricAcid, 郝南�?, 琥珀�?, 帕金�?

A music player mod

Net Weight by UpcraftLP

Fishing with a twist

Netakiri Bed

Special bed for those who hate nights

NeteaseAntiAddictionGuiFix by ZekerZhayard

Fix some mods that the gui will be gray in Minecraft Netease Edition.

NeteaseCloudMusic Mod by peng,leng

play music in minecraft

NeteaseCoreExt by netease

NeteaseCoreExt mod provides supports in Minecraft China.

Nether API by jbredwards

Serves as a library for anyone wanting to add nether biomes, also unifies other mods' nether biomes!

Nether Chest by mangoose

A counterpart to the ender chest, useful for mass storage

Nether Core by RenEvo

Adds fun and interesting things to the Nether.

Nether Dungeons

Example placeholder mod.

Nether Enhancements by Chaka

Write stuff here before releasing.

Nether Essence by The_Fireplace

Nether Essence Mod by Flayr

Adds Nether Essence, a substance crafted from Netherrack, Soulsand and water. It can be used as a fuel source, a light source or for crafting gunpowder.