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NetherUpdate Rewind by TeDev

Nether Update for 1.12.2. If you have any questions, I will answer you :)

Netherborn by minaduki

Netherborn Mod

Nethercraft by 115kino

An updated version of the original version of Nethercraft made by scokeev9

Netherending Ores by ICannt Team

Netherending Ores

Netherite 1.12.2 by shado, MCreator

Netherite Backport by Exetiorfan

A simple mod that backports the Netherite.

Netherite FOM by BeshenyjGamer

Netherite Flex by KRW CLASSIC

Netherite on older version, nothing more.

Netherite Road by LEFT_Flamelight

A Nether Mod

Netherite Road by LEFT_Flamelight

A Mod about Nether

Netherite Stuff by noeneto, MCreator

NetheriteOld by Korsserre, MCreator

NetheritePlus+ by NanoLive

Mod, what replaces nether classic textures to 1.14.4 textures and adds 1.16 items.

NetheriteUpdate by Korsserre, MCreator


Prevents Nether Portals generating

Netherless Quartz by ManPuppy

Adds Quartz to the Overworld. Updating to include Forge Ore Dict registry.