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NoteBot by Victormeriqui

An automatic noteblock player

Noteblock by JEAMCube

NoteblockTweak by CharlieJiang

A mod allows controling noteblocks by note like 'A#5'. Only compatible with Piano+ respack yet.

Notes by ChaosTheDude

Clientside in-game notepad.

Nothing by F1repl4ce

Mod of Nothing

Nothing To Hide by MakerTim

When you have nothing to hide, you can use this mod to prove it to the server.

Nothirium by Meldexun

Notifly's Questing Mod by Notifly

This mod is a tool for players to make quest tracking easier. It detects which game to track by checking which lobby or game you are currently in, then displays the quest info.

NotifyMe by 01101001#8125

If somebody says your name you will be notified with a sound! Currently works on Hypixel and a few other big servers. If you want it to work elsewhere not much I can do.

Notnt by kid2407

This mod disables any explosions, such as those created by TNT

NovaBlocks by PhysicalNova

This is a little mod that adds some blocks and other esthetic features. Enjoy !

NovaCraft by Wojak

A 1.7.10 mod that looks to complement/enhance the base game.

NovaCraft Mod by Alwyn974

Mod for NovaCraft Server (Deprecated file, the is automatically generated with the code

NovaServMod by _Rtinox

Mod pour le serveur Novazia

Novacraft Mod by Zeldown

Novacraft mod

Novacula Acuta by KitsuneAlex

Small mod containing little tools and decorative stuff