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Older New by Mitchell, MCreator

Oldowan Obsidian by Gyro

Some tweaks to obsidian.

OliveCraft by Joserichi

OliveCraft adds olive stuff like olive oil or edible olives to Minecraft.

Olympia by DasUmlaut

Olympia Project Core

Olympus Quest by Dorian2712

A fabulous quest to the Mount Olympus to get divine artifacts !

Olympus gear by amazing_zombie

The gear of the gods

Omega Additions by George Kazanjian

Provides additional content for Omega Minecraft Zoo Server

Omega Byte Blocks

Alpha Project

Omega Craft by Cobbs

Tech side of TSON


A follow-up mod to OmegaCraft

Omni Mod by jacks

Omni Ocular by Epix

Omni Ocular

Omni Wrench by MrBretze

This OmniWrench !

Omni's Aged Aether Blocks by Lane, MCreator

Adds cracked, mossy and mossy+cracked variants of Aether Legacy's dungeon blocks