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lots of ores


This is an example mod

Oneshot control by SomeAddons

A mod which allows you to configure max % hp you and entities can loose from attacks, thus a certain amount of attacks is required to kill.

Onion Mod by PingschelleMC

The Onion Mod (1.0.1a) adds onions, golden onions, onion seeds and the onion crop to your game!

Onkor by Hermann, MCreator

Upgraded with recipes

Online Chat by Baseball45

A chat server and client that allows you to talk to friends regardless of whether or not you're in the same server as them.

Online Checker by Aycy

Check if a player is currently online.

OnlineCard Mod by Is_GK

OnlineCard Mod


Copyright 2014 - 2018 Volting


Copyright 2014 - Volting


Copyright 2014 - 2017 Volting

OnlineLever Mod by Muka2533

Add a lever that can be operated on the Internet.


This is an example mod

Only Microblocks by PplusS

This mod replaces the vanilla block drop with chisels and bits parts

OnlySilver by Zot

OnlySilver ports the silver ore and its derivatives from SimpleOres 1.5.2_1 to the later versions of Minecraft.


This MOD is beta