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Ores as they should be! by Craftdreagon

Adds a lot of new ore stuff!

Ores++ by edlvw, MCreator


This mod adds biomes made ??of ores and is created by LidienNk

OresCreepers-1.12.2 by Kirzey, MCreator

Creepers now drop ores !


This is an example mod

OresDropMores2 by BStramke

Rewrite of


New Ores for the game!!!

OresReloaded by bungeeyaml, MCreator

This mod adds serveral new ores and related items

Oresmod by Nico Binder aka CaveChild

This Mod adds a lot of new Ores and Stuff


You are invulnerable!

Orever Powered Mod by FearDiamondMan, MCreator

Organic Additions by George Kazanjian(SoggyMustache)

Provides additional content for Uncle Genny's Organic Mod Pack

Organic Ender by VadamDev, 12robotboy

This mod adds seeds related to the end dimention and new farming tools