Underground_1_12_2 by Brick, MCreator
UnderlineFix by Axer
Fix the bug which has caused unable to type underline on OSX.
Underp Hangables by masa
Fixes the derpyness of the dropped items from Paintings and Item Frames when they are broken.
Undersource 1.12.2 by REDFirmware, MCreator
Undertale Mod by JackTYM, MCreator
Underwater Chest Bubbles by Squirtle8459
Upon opening chests underwater.. creates bubbles..
Underwater Enchanting by Rick South
Allows the use of the enchantment table under water with maximum levels via bookshelves.
Underwater Enchanting by Rick South
Allows the use of the enchantment table under water with maximum levels via bookshelves.
Underwater Rails by Hennamann
Made for Modjam 5 adds 2 new rail types and tools intended for use underwater.
Underwater Utilities by Shadowfacts
Helpful utilities for working underwater.
Underwater World by MRC
Bring new life to underwater world
Undestructible by The_Icy_One
Make your structures undestructible.
Unecological Methods by BananaFructa
Allows the draining of chemicals into the waterways.
Unenchanting by Noobanidus
Providing ways to losslessly remove enchantments with an anvil.
Unessential by The Uranometrical Team
The most essential mod for Essential.
Unestable Kit