UnlockCraft by Diadas
Locks all recipes to unlock during gameplay
UnlovedVanilla by Impelon
A Mod adding many, different features that got left behind in the development of Minecraft
Unmekanikal Refined Obsidian by user, MCreator
Unmending by Vazkii
Nerfs mending while still keeping it usable.
Unmute Mobs by Rick South
A drag-and-drop mod to unmute/unsilence all mobs in the world.
Unnamed Dimension by Mr. Metric
Example placeholder mod.
Just some random stuff.
This is an example mod
This is a mod that lets you get unobtainable blocks by crafting them
Unofficial Parasol
You can fall slowly with Parasol!
Unreal Tournament by MrProfessor
UnrealMMO by yuxuanchiadm
The mmo mod for user.
Unsaddle by ryoryo
This mod allows to remove the saddle attached to a pig.
UnscrollifyHotbar by SmajloSlovakian
Prevents mouse wheel scrolling to affect the hotbar position
Unseens Nether Backport by UnseenDontRun, SirSquidly
Focuses on Backporting 1.16 Nether content only to 1.12.2. Including mobs, biomes, blocks, and items.
利刃出鞘 by 2403
Unstable Matter by Yvesmiguel
Adds matter related items in the most unrealistic way possible.
Unstable Tools by Tfarecmin
Port of Extra Utilities 1 tools with armor
UntitledMod by immibis
Modjam 4 entry from immibis
Untouched Nature by Darsenia
Explore the untouched lands, seek for wisdom and retrieve the nature power