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UpToDate by Strikingwolf, trajing, PhoenixTeam

Checks for updates

Update Checker by Tminor1

Will check for an update for Fun Craft Mod Pack 2.

UpdateCheckLib by makamys

A library mods can use to check for updates and display the results in a common interface.

Updated Blocks by Russia9

This mod adds blocks from new versions, for example concrete, andesite or granite.


Easy to use update checking for Sponge plugins.


A mod that allows Vanilla Minecraft Swords to be upgraded into stronger swords.


Adiciona Novas Swords

Upgradeable-Armors by User, MCreator

Upgraded Pickaxe by Hawaii_Beach, NicosaurusRex99

Upgraded Pickaxes by usuario, MCreator

Upgraded Pistons by frizzle101101

A new More Pistons mod for 1.12.2

Upgraded Tools Mod by vincentmet, AgentCPU0, skunkdonkey

New Sticks And Tools.

UpgradedSwords by BelZ_xD, MCreator