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NoADG by Technicboyman

This mod makes andesite, diorite, and granite drop cobblestone, unless broken with silk touch

NoAttackCooldown by Virtuoel

A mod that constantly resets the attack cooldown

NoBlockParticles by vepexlegit

Disables rendering of block breaking particles

NoBreakThatBlock by Cecer

Stops you breaking blocks when clicking back into the game after tabbing out

NoChat by phit

Cancels all player chat

NoCloseMyGui by ConorTheDev

This mod prevents servers from closing all GUIs apart from Chests.

NoCtrl by Wyn Price

Adds keybind sets to allow for easy management of keybinds.

NoCube SRP Tweaks by ExistingEevee

A mod designed to fix the mcreatorness of NoCube's SRP Addon'

NoCube's Craftable Music Discs by NoCube

Makes music discs craftable

NoCubes MMD Winterjam by Cadiboo

NoCubes for the MMD Winterjam event

NoDestroy by Mgazul

No Destroy.


A mod to help people with motion sickness feel less of it playing Minecraft.

NoF3 by CreeperShift

Removes the F3 debug screen.

NoFOV 1.7.10 by Ytt

Prevents FOV multiplier change when using speed/slowness