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NMCLC (NoMoreCapsLockCommands) by Hennamann

Converts commands to lowercase to save time when typing commands while capslock is on.

NMSL by 绠′綘鐜╀笉鐜╄繖鐮磎od,閮界粰鐖风埅宸?


NMSL by ExampleDude


NO!! by NO THANKS!, MCreator

NU UH!!!!

NOBLESIX.NET by xX_NobleSix_Xx, BotChunkLoader, Water_Chocolate, MrEdd(Do Nothing)

NobleSix is GOD



NOTLAST by thamid

Shows who is last every round.

NOVA by TeamDman_9201

A Blood Magic addon adding whatever I can think of.


Questa mod è ancora in beta quindi la descrizione non è disponibile

NPArcade" by NPException

An arcade machine for Minecraft

NPC Integration by Funwayguy

Provides tasks and rewards to integrate Custom NPCs into Better Questing

NPC Mod by canelex, OFP, boomboompower

Summons a client-side NPC, 1.8.9 version by OFP & boomboompower

NPC mod by Kacper, MCreator

Gives you new mobs that are stronger than classic zombies and skeletons

NPCs by Daniel12321

A plugin that adds simple custom NPC's to your worlds.

NShowMod by Nianshow

draw damage number and health bar...