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NameChecker by SiroQ

In Game player name checker for 1.9.4

NameHighlighter Mod by ExampleDude

Anti-Sniping Mod for Hypixel Bedwars so Haaappy can stfu about getting sniped

NameStats by dooguh, Brains

NameStats for Hypixel Bedwars


Get Blocks and Items Unique Name

Named Areas by Rick South

Create custom named areas/towns with a radius or by biome using signs with messages via GUI or chat.

Named Areas by Rick South

Create custom named areas/towns with a radius or by biome using signs with messages via GUI or chat.

Named Dimensions by Compaszer

Adds Dimensions you can name

Named Heads by 14mRh4X0r

Shows names above heads when they're aimed at

Namenax Mod by Namensammler42

Die Offizielle Namenax Mod!

Nametag Editor by Fiw

Allows you to change the look of nametags