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Fake Cow Mod by Genericlylylylylylyly, MCreator

Adding fake cows to your world.

Fake Name by Tschipp

Fake Name adds a way to change your Ingame Display name

Fake Names by leafs

Change your IGN to be visibly whatever you want. This should go without saying, but it's your screen only.

Fake Ores

This mod will add fake ores that attack the player once the block destroyed. Fake ores are hidden with true ores.

Fake Sneak by delay0delay

by delay

Fake weapons by ASUS ROG, MCreator

FakeBlocks by Max Henkel


FakeHackersMod by Mitfox

Fake hackers!


Adds Fake Players


FakepixelDungeonHelper by Hamza,BrokenHearts

There is a secret waypoint to dungeon secrets, it also not have some rooms secrets.


Adds random things to your game!

Fall Damage Indicator by Enderix

A simple mod that shows the fall damage you'll receive. Note: The fall damage can be incorrect -

Fall Through Slime by Rick South

Slime blocks no longer support your weight when standing still, and you'll slowly fall through.

Fall Through Slime by Rick South

Slime blocks no longer support your weight when standing still, and you'll slowly fall through.

FallDamageSettings Mod by Hekumok

Minimalistic mod that fixes old Minecraft bug and also allows you to control fall damage (even at fall into water/lava).