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FarmHelper V2 by You

A helper for every farmer


Optimizing crops and growable blocks


This mod allows you to farm minerals!

Farmers Live

A Description.

Farming Tools by lazynessmind

A lot of tools to farm....

Farming for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth

Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid.

Farming in Rain by EternalSage

Crops grow faster in rain.

Farms+ by rodri, MCreator

Farms+ is a server side mod which adds a lot of cool stuff like: Cabbage, Tomato, Recipies for food, Corn, Better Farmers etc. In 1.0.0, cabbage, tomatoes, a few recipies, corn and better farmers were added!

Farrago by Sythiex

Adds a bunch of stuff

Farsight by Someaddon

Fart Generator by ItHurtsLikeHell

Generate energy from fart, WTF!?

FartFertilizer by MrAmericanMike

Fart Fertilizer Mod.

Farts Mod by NicosaurusRex99, TheRealP455w0rd

press g for farts.

Fast Food by danielm59, Arrisork

Fast Food Mod.

Fast Food Mod by Calopteryx

Fast Food mod.

Fast Food Mod Remastered

This Mod Adds Fast Food

Fast Gamemode Switch Mod by User, MCreator

Fast Leaf Decay by Olafski

Increases leaf decay rates.

Fast Leave Decay by lumien

Makes leave decay faster