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leaves decay faster.

FastReconnect by SeodanLee

Add reconnect button at disconnected screen.

FastRecraft by Stenox

Mod para otimizar o recraft.


Faster than you!Or me???Nope!

FastTrade by Dazo66 MC_Eden

FastTrade mod.

FastWorkbench by Shadows_of_Fire

1 fast boi

Faster Ladder Climbing by JaSpr

Go up or down ladders faster by looking up or down.

Faster Tools Mod by TheeAnonymousOne

This mod allows you to upgrade all vanilla tools' efficiency as tiers.

Faster, ZAWA! KILL! KILL! by Noobanidus

Find and eliminate excessive amounts of creatures (mainly from ZAWA).

Fat Cat MOD by shu3

FatCat MOD add fat cat mobs to Minecraft. You can breed a fat cat.

FatalAddons by FatalMerlin

Various Addons for Minecraft

Fate/Craft by Eonaut, MCreator

Mobs, weapons, and more

Fate/UBW by Flemmli97

The Holy Grail War! Brought to minecraft