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ForageCraft by theishiopian

Makes surviving easier and more realistic by giving various blocks extra random drops.

Forbidden & Arcanus by stal111, Xesar_Zorak


Forbidden Bands by Snowielove1

Create Your Own Ultimate Puffle Overload 5 Killing Game.

Forbidden Books of Sorcery by F(Twitter:@plusplus_san)


Forbidden Industry by SiroLDT

Example placeholder mod.

Forbidden Magic by SpitefulFox

Forbidden Magic is an addon to add many dark-themed things to Thaumcraft.

magic opensource enchanting

Forbidden Quests by rero78, MCreator

Used for Rero's Modpack

Force Blocks by Ryozuki

This mod adds blocks that will apply a force to you when walking over them.

Force EXP Lose on Death by HRudyPlayZ

This mod allows the player to lose EXP, even with KeepInventory.

Force Feed by Sir_Boops

Why eat manually?

Force of Will by Billeh007

The adventures of a man learning Java

ForceChinese by SettingDust

Force Chinese

ForceSurvival by Aipa

Makes players be survival