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ImprovedLib by Asyncorized_MC

This is a dummy placeholder!


Better than the last!


This mod adds in unbreakable blocks.


This is a beta mod.

Improving Minecraft by pifou92000

A mod adding little things and fixing inconsistencies in Minecraft

ImpsAdditional by Impshial, MCreator

Impurity Capes by Reflxction

A mod which gives special capes to Impurity members.

In Character by Mario90900

A mod for a more roleplay-focused chat system, supporting whisper, talk, yell, emotes and OOC chat.

In Time Presence by ZigTheHedge

Allows you to setup time limit for foreign dimensions

In-GAMEMods by Lucas_Gamer13

Junte o fórum mais o servidor! veja seus alertas em tempo real!

In-Game Account Switcher by The_Fireplace

Allows you to change which account you are logged in to in-game, without having to restart Minecraft

In-Game Documentation by macc188

Provides documentation for mods installed

In-Game MCEdit Filters & Scripts by Davidee

Adds Javascript support to Minecraft via Mozilla Rhino. Users can write their own scripts to run in-game on either the client or server and also use filters to directly modify their world. For more information, visit the URL above.

In-Game Mod List (1.6)

This mod provides an in-game interface for the mod list hosted over at

opensource util

In-Game Mod List (1.7)

This mod provides an in-game interface for the mod list hosted over at

opensource util

In-game Account Switcher Version Checker by The_Fireplace

The version checker for In-game Account Switcher