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inzhefops_core by inzhefop

Inzhefop's core Mod (for 1.12.2)

ipv6protokoll_patch by carbolemons

simple mod patch to fix connection to ipv6 addresses

ireport by tudse145, heni123321

Reporting plugin for Sponge

iron special tools by Lucas, MCreator


Addon for Iron Chest


I love This mod

ironfood by Tmes22, MCreator

ironman rebootedvtwo by ricet, MCreator


I Love This mod

ironsword by fox


ironsword1 by fox


isDev Core by IvanSteklow

IvanSteklow's Development Core

isXander's Utility Mod by isXander

A bunch of custom-made hypixel mods to make the game even more easy to manage.


This is an example mod

isoladesertayoutubers by Utente, MCreator

item kill by Ice_Knight_80993, MCreator

It can kill item!