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iBench by Sapient

The iBench is a replacement for the Dartcraft Clipboard with a few extras thrown in for good measure.

iChunUtil by iChun

Shared library mod required by several of iChun's Mods.


iCraft by HarleyWF

Smartphones in MineCraft

iExtras by Iskall85, Winter_Grave

iExtras - Iskallian Extras

iGoodie's Farm by iGoodie, Redowar

This mod is created for Redowar's modpack. Created for necessity

iNoMi+ by _XAZ

To be used in the iNoMi server. IP:

iPhones Mod by FilP0821

Adds iPhones to Minecraft

iPixeli's Gender by iPixeli

Provides gender and age settings for players. Adds new models, textures, and sounds.

iTEM by TGWaffles, Orenico

Searches for and finds items in Hypixel Skyblock

iYMTs Weapon Mod by iYAMATO


This is an example mod