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InfiniGrowth by Ryan Thompson

Forever and always grow plants.

InfiniResources OP by The_SquareKing

Extremely overpowered mod.

InfiniTubes by immibis

A new system of item transport.

Infinite Adventure Mod by DaveTheModder

If you think there should be more mobs, dungeons, and adventure in Minecraft, this mod is for you.

Infinite Dark by mrp_v2

Adds dark blocks for simulating emptiness.

Infinite Enchant level by woods

Infinite Enchant level

Infinite Fall Boots by BuiltBrokenModding, its_meow, DarkGuardsman

Adds an enchantment that teleports you to the top of the world upon hitting the ground from a jump.

Infinite Fill Mod by vova7865

A simple mod that add a /ifill command that does exactly the same as /fill, but can fill more than 32768 blocks!

Infinite Orb by alice


Infinite Pollution Filter by ItHurtsLikeHell, pierknight100

An infinite filter for Pollution of the Realms

Infinite Tipped Arrows by NinjaNick

Lets the vanilla Infinity enchantment work with tipped arrows.

Infinite Trading by Rick South

Prevents villager trades from locking up, making them be always available.

Infinite Trading by Rick South

Prevents villager trades from locking up, making them be always available.

Infinite Water Source by Tfarecmin

Infinite water source.

Infinite'sword Mod by InfiniteX

This Mod Add a lot of swords !

InfiniteFluids by Joseph C. Sible

Allows fluids other than water to be infinite (i.e., turn non-source blocks next to source blocks into source blocks).