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RottenFleshToLeather Mod by Ayano Keiko, Seelenio, Sirily

Copyright by Authors

Rough Mobs by Lellson

Small mod which makes some vanilla mobs significantly harder

Rough Mobs Revamped by p1ut0nium_94, Lellson

Makes hostile creatures significantly more hostile

Rough Start

Early game tweaks to make the experience more challenging

Rough Tweaks by Lellson

Adds a bit of extra difficulty

RoughlyEnoughFang by Someoneice


RouletteOres by Funwayguy, Darkosto

Random chance of ores to do stuff when mined

Round Robin Hopper by Ruuubi

Adds a round-robin version of Minecraft's Hopper.

RouteMod by Panoramix_YT

Route Mod rajoute pleins de panneaux de signalisation, ainsi que des trac�s au de route routier fran�ais, ainsi que des feux tricolores fonctionnels !