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rareores by MasterDeity

Rare Ores is a mod that adds 5 new ores, two of which are located in the Nether

rats weapons by mforn, MCreator

rawOre_on_1.12.2 by sui_ke

为1.12.2添加粗矿;Add rawOre to 1.12.2。

read hastily and without thinking by JaoShingan

read hastily and without thinking

reagentcraft by kingdadrules

Crafting with reagent.

real Terminal Mod by mx_wj, squirrelOvO

「真-终端•混沌裁决WCX」在所有的时间和所有的空间之前诞生的究极概念,连所谓真正的无限和永恒也无法与之抗衡,掌控所有的法则和因果,调配和维护一切的无上God! power by:mx_wj

real life mod by §aItsAMysterious

This mod makes Minecraft more like the Real Life!It addes tones off new things to minecraft, including temperatur, illness, telephone, tv and much more...