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RestrictIO by FlatronEZ

Ban item usage ingame on the fly

Restricted Creative by The_Computerizer

Restricts creative item duping based on a config file

Restricted Portals by MoreThanHidden

A mod that requires you to craft an item before allowing the player to enter the nether or end, this is to stop people on multiplayer servers bypassing early game.

RestrictedServer by Dogboy21

Absicherung eines Servers gegen Griefmöglichkeiten

Restriction by davqvist

Disables right click functionality under configurable circumstances

Restructured by OreCruncher

Modify your world by adding structures

Resynth by Ki11er_wolf

Adds growable resources to Minecraft.

Retorch by Zeitheron

Just a simple mod that re-orients torches, when the surface on wich they were placed becomes non-solid (or block being removed).

Retro Exchange by FTB

Seems familiar

Retro Futuristic by Veritaris

A simple mod adding blocks from 1.16.1 to 1.7.10

Retro Project by WOLFI3654

A great mod for the retro poject, 1.8.9 Üprt

RetroComputers by the_real_farfetchd

RetroComputers adds programmable computers to Minecraft. It's not like ComputerCraft though, in that it can be programmed in actual machine code, which means you can totally program your own OS if you know assembly!


This mod allows you to take control of he retro cookie power