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Renamign! by licht

Rename items!

Render 360 Core by 18107

Provides hooks for "Render 360"

Render Image Mod by

Render Image Mod

Render Player Mod

Show the player on display.

Render Scale Mod by canelex

Change the UI elements on almost every other mod!

Render Toggle by Aycy

A key bind to change your render distance.

Render360 by 18107

Renders the game with a 360 degree view

RenderChunk rebuildChunk Hooks by Cadiboo, CosmicDan

A small(ish) coremod for 1.12.2 to inject hooks into RenderChunk#rebuildChunk to allow modders to add their own custom chunk rendering logic and other chunk rendering related modifications. This mod provides configurable events that Modders can use for various chunk/world-related rendering logic - The RebuildChunkPreEvent is called before any chunk rebuilding is done - RebuildChunkPreOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkPreEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkBlockRenderInLayerEvent allows modders to modify the BlockRenderLayers that blocks can render in - RebuildChunkBlockRenderInLayerOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkBlockRenderInLayerEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkBlockRenderInTypeEvent allows modders to modify the EnumBlockRenderType that blocks can render in - RebuildChunkBlockRenderInTypeOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkBlockRenderInTypeEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkBlockEvent is called for each BlockRenderLayers of each block and allows Modders to add their own logic - RebuildChunkBlockOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkBlockEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkPostEvent is called after all chunk rebuilding logic is done - RebuildChunkPostOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkPostEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects

RenderChunk rebuildChunk Hooks by Cadiboo, CosmicDan

A small(ish) coremod for 1.12.2 to inject hooks into RenderChunk#rebuildChunk to allow modders to add their own custom chunk rendering logic and other chunk rendering related modifications. This mod provides configurable events that Modders can use for various chunk/world-related rendering logic - The RebuildChunkPreEvent is called before any chunk rebuilding is done - RebuildChunkPreOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkPreEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkBlockRenderInLayerEvent allows modders to modify the BlockRenderLayers that blocks can render in - RebuildChunkBlockRenderInLayerOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkBlockRenderInLayerEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkBlockRenderInTypeEvent allows modders to modify the EnumBlockRenderType that blocks can render in - RebuildChunkBlockRenderInTypeOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkBlockRenderInTypeEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkBlockEvent is called for each BlockRenderLayers of each block and allows Modders to add their own logic - RebuildChunkBlockOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkBlockEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects - The RebuildChunkPostEvent is called after all chunk rebuilding logic is done - RebuildChunkPostOptifineEvent is the same as the RebuildChunkPostEvent but allows access to Optifine-related objects

Renewal Revival by itsFoxee, MCreator

Some tech, some weirdness!

Renkin by eyeq


RenoSense by Sjnez

1.12.2 PvP Hack