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Ganzu Utility by TehNut


GappleCraft by TakoyakiNeko, MCreator

GappleCraft Mod

Garage Craft by PK, MCreator

Garbage Bins by LizNet

Simple trashcans for items and fluids.

Garbage Energy by jikoto

Get Energy from your garbage!

Garbige by MorKazim, MCreator

Enter short description here

Garbled artifact reset edition by mou-mou-ren/and-������



This is an example mod

Garden Containers

A variety of containers for planting vegetation.

Garden Core

Base mod for a collection of garden and plant mods.

Garden Stuff

Decorative blocks and miscellaneous things for gardens and more.

Garden Trees

Ornamental trees, posts, and fences.

Garden of Emotions MOD by yongho

This mod is used for the 'Garden of Emotions' content.

Garden of Glass by Vazkii

An extension to Botania that adds skyblock like gameplay.

Garden of Glass Skybox by Vazkii

The Garden of Glass Skybox from Botania

Garden_Stuff by jmeld, MCreator

Gardenwork by Peridot/MaincrafterDE, MCreator

Thsi mod adds new ways to accelerate the growth of plants

Gargoyles Mod by Enderman_of_D00M

A mod that adds Gargoyles: a potentially vanilla mob that guards areas with incredible presission.