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Gui Text Color by ReClutch

GuiAPI by ShaRose, lahwran

API designed to make it easy to generate GUIs, aimed particularly at settings menus.

GuiFix by Ayou



mod pour vegasfactions

GuiShopManager by SawFowl

Auction as in various MMORPG games, in-game admin shops.

Guide Book by Creysys

Adds a book that helps.

Guide-API by Tombenpotter, TehNut

Simple mod guide creation.

GuidePosts by TobiasCraft

GuidePosts by TobiasCraft.

Guidebook by gigaherz

Books that guide

Guidebook by gigaherz

Books that guide

Guidebook by gigaherz

Books that guide

Guild & Commerce by Caltinor

Protection & Trading platform for servers.

GuildBlacklist by Daafdemandoetmee#4017

GuildBlacklistMod created by Daafdemandoetmee#4017


verry herly alpha

GuildCraft Mod Assist by short1der

Mod created by short1der for GC staff members.