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Gliby's Voice Chat Mod by Gliby A.K.A MG211

Gliby's Voice Chat mod allows you to speak in minecraft, no longer do you have to type to communicate!

GlintColorizer by W-OVERFLOW

Change the color of the enchantment glint!

Glistre Mod by Glistre

A mod about all things that glistre: wolves, armor, new metals. Your greed can corrupt the world!

Glitch Core by Adubbz, Forstride

Utilities used by our mods to abstract Minecraft versions and reduce redundancy

GlitchCraft by mario, MCreator

GlitchFix by Calenria

Fixes some Dupe Bugs.

Global Emeralds by Shahub, MCreator

Global GameRules by Gory_Moon

A mod that allows for global gamerules when a world is loaded

GlobalChat by Moritz30, sokratis12GR

A global chat.

GlobalServices by Calenria, Dogboy21


GlobalSettings by DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007

GlobalTweaks by Zero Point

GlobalTweaks core module

Globe by iChun

Globe - verb - form (something) into a globe

GlockAndSilencer by Potato 309, MCreator


Adds glockite stuff and applewood bread