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GTNH-Intergalactic by GTNH-Team

A mod designed to be used in GTNH, to expand space exploration even more.

GTNH: Lanthanides by SinTho0r4s

An example mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 with Forge focussed on a stable setup.

GTNHMixins by mitchej123

GTNH flavored mixins


GalaxyTalesCrafting Utilities

GUI Clock by Rick South

Shows the time in the GUI on the screen with a clock in the inventory.

GUI Compass by Rick South

Shows the direction and coordinates in the GUI with a compass in the inventory.

GUI Decorations by SoggyMustache

Decorate your Global User Interfaces

GUI Followers by Rick South

[Client] Shows a list in the GUI/HUD with all tamed non-sitting followers around the player.

GUI Library


GUI Scale Hack by Portablejim

For those who like high resolution displays (like 4k) and for who large is too small and auto is too large Do not change normal GUI scale when using this mod

GUI Templater by gamerforEA

Modification to customize the interface.

GUI thing by llamaWol

Simple gui thingy for coffee ig

GUILogin by aleck099
