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GeforceMOD by Mkoes

Geforce Now Exploit.


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GeiloUtils by Geilokowski

Adds some basic stuff every server needs.

Geko's Lasers by Geko_X



Just playing around making the gels from Portal 2 for fun.

Gem Items by BudBud205

Adds Emerald & Ruby Items.

Gem Tools by Mark680

this mod adds tools with special mining modes, armor with potion effects and ores

GemBlocksForGreg by UltraPeeks

Adds storage blocks for the gems used in gregtech. To be used with GregTech 5.07.07.

GemCraft by Sanguine045

Ever think that emeralds are a vastly underimplemented part of the game? well here you go! this mod adds two more types or gemstone (sapphire and ruby) as well as full tool and armor sets for all three types of gem.


GemCraft 1.2.2


Diamond Guy


Esta iva a aser la v2 Pero ubo algunos Bug en la primera version asi que ahora es la 1.1

GemStone Down Grade by willi, MCreator


This mod adds lots of gems.


Gems that you can make magical wands with.

Gemmary by SirBlobman

The Science of Gems


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