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Wicken by Catpan (@CatpanYT on Twitter), MCreator

Wicken is a mod I initially made in a good 6 hours or so while simultaneously watching my friend make a competitor mod on a video call. It's a small mod with two dimensions and some goofy hijinks along the way.


Adds wierd stuff


This is an example mod


Wigetta Tools es un mod que agrega un set de herramientas que te seran se mucha utilidad


Modo Willy y Vegetta777


Famous Witches and Wizards Cards

Wiki HUD by Qxzos

Wiki HUD

Wiki Zoomer by Alexthe666

A mod which adds blocks that allow players to take isometric screenshots of items, blocks and entities.

WikiLink by DrEinsteinium, Others

NEI Addon that adds the ability to search Websites, Wikis and YouTube for information on different items.


A wiki-searching tool by maxpowa

Wild Animals Plus by jabelar

It's a zoo out there!