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Wolf Armor and Storage by CenturionFox

Adds armors and storage for wolves!

Wolf dimension by uzivatel

WolfAndHuskyMod by Vlkos

Mod that adds lot of things! Enjoy!


Coremod of all Team wolf mods

WolfFix by Wolfvuki

Fixes a series of issues within the BTeam modpack


Adds guns,armor,tools and more to the game

Wolfer Custom Ore Generation by Wolfer_Alpha, Wolfer_Alpha

Um simples mod que melhora a gera��o de min�rios vanilla, bem como adiciona min�rios no Nether e The End.

Wolfer Utilities by Wolfer_Alpha

Esse Mod Adiciona Utilidades Diversas.

Wolffang's More Ores

More Ores, Tools and Armor!

Wolverine by Trey, MCreator

Wonder Cosmetics by gaelv, MCreator

WonderMod by Kiwis, chachaking74

Mod containing all exclusive items for WonderWorld V3

WonderPlus by Rumkuchen, MCreator

WonderTrade Addons by GT86

WonderTrade Addons plugins



Wonderful Enchantments by Majrusz

Mod adding a lot of new unique enchantments to the game.