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Adds BuildCraft pipes compatibility for Waila.

WailaModder by ProfMobius

WaitingTime by Jaredlll08, Modmuss50

Adds games to the startup screen.

WakaMod by julanogamer, MCreator

WakeShow by WuXie, 无邪

ui and particle.

Waking Chunks by Nokiyen

Adds a chunk loader.

Walaryne's Fly Mod by Walaryne

Enables a person to type /fly to fly!

Walfgord Addons by alexa, MCreator

Waliax Exchange by waliax

My first mod!

Waliax Exchange 2 by Waliax

My secound mod!

Walkabouts by Aelpecyem

This mod adds some nifty gadgets! Note: This mod isn't balanced yet

WalkingDead Mod by crackedEgg

Walking Dead mod adds zombies in the day time! Walkers they are called.


A stick that makes you walk faster!

Walkman by AshIndigo

Adds a walkman to Minecraft.