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WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 3 by Hexosse

WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 3 is a forge client-side user interface for WorldEdit.

WorldEdit Items by e splat

Does it bother you that WorldEdit uses native objects in Minecraft and ruins the gaming experience? this mod is just for you

WorldEdit Wand Item by SuperPupperDoggo

Adds a separate item for use as the WorldEdit wand, so the Wooden Axe and Compass(or whatever items previously set) can function normally for all players. Note this is NOT an official WorldEdit addon.

WorldEditSelections by DavixDevelop

Mod for WorldEdit 6 which enables loading/saving WorldEdit selections

WorldGen Block Replacer by The_Fireplace

Allows you to replace a block in your world generation with another block.

WorldGenIndicators by Buuz135

A mod that indicates worldgen

WorldJoinText by Pixtar

Adds one or multiple custom join message(s) for each world/dimension and/or the server.

WorldManagement by Dogboy21


WorldMoving by Dogboy21

WorldOfBones by §aBennyboy1695

Originally made for the §4Hypovolemia §rmodpack.

WorldOfMinecraft_SilvermoonCity by Samantha, MCreator

Objects and decor for Silvermoon City

WorldPregen by Dogboy21

Spongeplugin um Welten vorzugenerieren

WorldProtector by Mosca421

Protect regions