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WorldJoinText by Pixtar

Adds one or multiple custom join message(s) for each world/dimension and/or the server.

WorldManagement by Dogboy21


WorldMoving by Dogboy21

WorldOfBones by §aBennyboy1695

Originally made for the §4Hypovolemia §rmodpack.

WorldOfMinecraft_SilvermoonCity by Samantha, MCreator

Objects and decor for Silvermoon City

WorldPregen by Dogboy21

Spongeplugin um Welten vorzugenerieren

WorldProtector by Mosca421

Protect regions

WorldScale by BordListian

Immersive land claims for pvp gameplay


WorldStateCheckpoints is a client mod that allows you to create world saves for your SP worlds.

clientside opensource backup


Only for minetweaker

World_of_dragons by rafaelprozx, MCreator

WorldcraftMod by Alexlx450, MCreator

Worldrebuilder by Aquerr

Rebuilds destroyed blocks after specified time.

Worlds Retold by Xenoform55, T3DK, Anomalocaris101, Scourge

A mod for Winterjam 2018.

Worley's Caves by SuperFluke, booleanbyte

Cave generation with Worley noise

Worm by milla, MCreator

Wormhole (Portals) by SuperMartijn642

Wormhole allows you to construct portals with the use of wormhole stabilizer technology!