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Wireless Fluid Terminal by TheRealp455w0rd

Adds a wireless version of the AE2 fluid terminal

Wireless Industry by ultramarine11

Wireless EU energy transfer, and some cool things

Wireless Pattern Terminal by TheRealp455w0rd

Adds a wireless version of the AE2 Pattern Terminal

Wireless Redstone by ali4z, Eurymachus

Wireless Redstone allows you to transmit and receive redstone signals without wires.

Wireless Utilities by Stendec, Lordmau5

Because wires just get in the way.

WirelessCharger by zlainsama

This mod adds a block that can charge nearby players' ForgeEnergy compatible items


Mod for multitool phones in survival and eve a redstone dimension.


This just adds a wireless energy transfer method to the game. (For IC2 Energy ofc.)

WirelessEnergyNetwork 1.12.2 by Peridot/MaincrafterDE, MCreator

Adds ne ways to transport Energy over long distances

WirelessRedsone-CBE by ChickenBones

Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition Supporters: Vizerei

WiseSeoulLife by EunhakLee

슬기로운 상경생활 (2022)

Wish Mod by Wishbonea

My Mod to add Base Brick