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AgameR Paint Mod by peacestorm

The official AgameR Paint Mod.

Age Of Crafters by SSilvamc, QuackieTheDuck

Stacks up many historical warfare and elements into a mod and then into your hands.

Age of Parasite and Bugs by Luck4ssDV, ALEXYSSSJ4, MCreator

Age of Weapons by Stvxv.g, XxRexRaptorxX (RexRaptor)

A mod that add tons of new weapons based on time ages!

AgeCraft by ElConquistador

Agecraft adds ages and evolution to Minecraft.

Ageing Mobs by svennieke, Mrbysco

This mod allows mobs to age and transform.

Ageing Spawners by Mrbysco, ShyNieke

Spawners that have a limit