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Aztrac By Reckch by Junior, MCreator

AzuMod by coco 04, MCreator

mod AzuriaMC


This is an example mod


Azurawood Grove

Azure RPG Items by AzureDoomC

This is a small RPG mod with built in support with Mine and Slash and Baubles.

Azurite F3 by GodMan_

Mod F3 Azurite

Azurite Musique by goldensilver853

Allows you to add your own music without the use of a resource pack.

a bunch of random stuff mod by Me

this mod adds a bunch of random stuff :)

a lot of records by The Sadco

This mod adds a huge number of records, which adds a collection of ordinary from C418. At the moment, there are 52 records. All songs from the C418 itself. Wash your hands, do not touch your face, better stay at home.


This is an example mod

aMacro by yura11212

Мод создан для игроков сервера Minecorp.

aMod by Other

a mod about, things...

aPerf by Legobear154, AlphAest

Performance tools collection


Linkseyi's ModMaker


This is an example mod

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa by Coolunicorn322, MCreator

An addon for Draconic Evolution, which automatically gives a Draconic Staff of Power when a player first enters a world. Direwolf20's idea. Sorry for not giving the mod an original name, I was uninspired. Made with MCreator so I could make the mod more confortably.