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Alpha 0.3b Titoo8899 by Titoo8899, MCreator

7 Neue Bl�cke

Alpha Dagger Mod by TheSparkMods, TheSparkGames

A mod about daggers


Now with unstable reactors!!!


This is an Alpha

Alpinamod by zanfils, MCreator

Already Decorating Fix by TCLProject

Attempts to fix those pesky annoying 'java.lang.RuntimeException: Already decorating!!' crashes by offsetting the decoration to take place later.

Alt F4

Simple upgrade to the vanilla furnace, with experience management, and a customizable smelting list

AltHUD by TCLProject

Replaces the default minecraft HUD with a more fantasy-like one. Has integrations for RPGStamina (stamina) and Ars Magica 2 (mana & burnout).

Altar Craft by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.

Altered Damage by Rick South

A minimalistic configurable mod that alters damage taken with a modifier by players and other entities.

Altered Damage by Rick South

A minimalistic configurable mod that alters damage taken with a modifier by players and other entities.

Alternate Artifice by Dragon_Of_Light

Adds new unique enchantments for your tools and weapons.

Alternate Portals by Unknown

Gui mod for AlternatePortals.

Alternate Spawn by Lemons

Alternate Hostile Mob Spawning

Alternate Terrain Generation by TTFTCUTS

ATG provides an alternative to vanilla terrain generation.


Alternate World by Wurmatron

Adds an Extra TFC Dimension that can be used for an Mining World

Alternating Flux by AntiBlueQuirk

Adds long distance power transmission to Immersive Engineering

Alternative Energy

Adding cables that can be used for IC2 and BC power, and nice power storage for it