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Audino by Yoghurt4C

Peek at ItemStack NBT!

Audio Death

Playes a custom sound on death. Place audio files named deathsound.ogg from <minecraftDir>/mods-resourcepacks/audiodeath/sounds/

Audio Death by JoshuaGaming

Improves Death Sounds.

Audio Manager by TamasHenning

Allows you to select what default audio device to use.

AudioBuffer by LocyDragon

AudioBuffer鈥斺?擸ou can play audio from server now!

AudioCassettes by Shoxie

This mod adds an audio cassettes

AudioSwitcher by dreamhopping

Auga Tech by Minecraftthing, Pineappleninja87

Liquid Power Tech

Augmented Interactions by pau101

Interact with the world differently


Allows Changes to items


This is an example mod

Augury: Technical Magic by Brandomine, Techgeek1019

magic and tech finally made love :P

Auniscraft by Thomas, MCreator

AurTechnologies by 007killer2 & SerStarStory

Some generic mod description

AuraBlockLimit by The_BrainStone

Simple plugin to limit how many of a type of block a player can place

AuraControl by TheCodex6824

An addon mod for Thaumcraft that allows tweaking the generation of the Aura by biome.