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AlchemyCraft by HZY

More ways to create material and potion.

Alchimia by Morpheus420

Delve into the depths of Alchemy and Enjoy!

AlchimiaCraft by GluckLeute

AlchimiaMOre by GluckLeute

Alchohol And Drugs Mod by SasiskaVoka

Mod for alchohol, for best exoerience use 'alchohol-lib'

Alcohol Mod by Android791350

Alcohol Mod by Android

Alduin by nicol, MCreator

Alembic by Noobanidus

Research-driven advancements from Thaumcraft for advancement-driven quest & mod packs

Alesia Mod by Desoroxxx, MCreator

Le Alesia Mod Officiel !

Alex's Tim Tam Mod by tophe, MCreator

AlexIILLib by AlexIIL

Libraray mod for all my other mods


This Is Just A snapshot


This is an example mod


This Is Just a Snapshot! Expect Bugs!

Alexandrite And More by maceswinger2000

Adds armor, tools, blocks, mobs, and so much more


This is a test

Alfabet Mod by RadSow, MCreator

Alfheim by AlexSocol, BlesseNTumble

Botania addon alowing you to travel to Alfheim