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Automated Redstone by CD4017BE

Better redstone cables and programmable circuits

Automated Redstone by CD4017BE

Better redstone cables and programmable circuits

AutomatedBellowsAddon by Sladki

TFC bellows automatizer addon.

Automatic Crafting Table by ExampleDude

Adds a vanilla styled automatic crafting table.

Automatic Doors by Rick South

Automatically opens doors in front of the player and closes them with a configurable delay.

Automatic Doors by Rick South

Automatically opens doors in front of the player and closes them with a configurable delay.

Automatic Ender Chests

Ender chests that work with hoppers

Automatic Item Replacer by Grim3212, Borz0r

A mod that automatically replaces blocks and items for you when you run out.

Automatic Reply Mod

A mod that is built to create custom reply messages to automatically reply to people on Type /autoreply to get started.

Automatic Resources by kr1zer, Mr_The Green, MCreator

The mod will allow you to get resources without doing anything. You just need to craft special blocks and resources will get themselves.

Automatic Resources by BonnieRobloxRIP, MCreator

an expansion to the automatic resources generators by:Artowolf_dev

Automatic Resources Remastered by BonnieRobloxRIP

made for lazy people and personal fun. if you are a fan of mods with upgradeable stuff ofcourse! cuz i am!

Automation by CD4017BE

Automation Helpers by Darkere

Just a few Automation helpers

AutotextMod by blendender

Allows the user to send chat messages with an hotkey.


Utilities for mods by me.


Autoverse by masa

Automation and logic by item flow