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AutoPaths by T.S. White

Make paths as you walk!

AutoPickup by Furgl

Allows items to be picked up automatically or blacklisted and never picked up.

AutoPlanter by Kotori316

Add automatically planting dirt.

AutoPresetMap by Alejandro Coria (MemeSapiens)

Allows you to automatically change the minimap preset of Journey Map when you change the dimension.

AutoPrinter by Lucas_gamer13

Print Automatico

AutoRanked by CoderPixels

The mod that changes everything.

AutoRegLib by Vazkii

Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods.

AutoReplay Mod by RANKTW

AutoReplay mod.

AutoReply by Reflxction

A mod which automatically replies.

AutoSell by Bram d. C.

Automatically sells your loot!

AutoSowseed by ecru

Auto sow seed

AutoSprint Mod by RedPer

Allows you to always sprint after pressing a keybind.

AutoSprintReset Mod by MitFox

Commands: /sprintreset, /sprintresetmode

AutoSwitch by Thebombzen

AutoSwitch automatically switches your tools and weapons when you dig or attack. It has a very advanced algorithm, taking into account not only dig speed, but harvestability, enchantments, damageablity, etc. You can easily configure its options with the config screen (look to the lower left).