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Passive Endermen by Rick South

Configurably prevent an enderman from picking up blocks, griefing and attacking players.

PassiveSearchBar by VioletMistCloudDrift

Make your search bar passive!

Past Utility Mod by olliem5

A utility mod for Minecraft 1.12.2, geared towards Anarchy Servers.

Pasta Mod by bin, MCreator

Just some mod with pasta.

Pastel Bloom Mod by QuinnyBoi, MCreator

PasterDream by Aerolite_Dust


PasterDream by Aerolite_Dust



Pastries Galore


Adds more foods and such

Pat and Jen Mod by Random_weirdo2

This Mod is for Pat and Jen's modding contest. They are some of the best youtubers ever!

PatPatPat by Tapio

Pat your pets!


This is an example mod

Patch by Txuritan

The core mod for all of my mods