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Plant Biomes by AustereTony

Create biomes blacklists and whitelists for every plant to manage its growth.

Plant Drops by JamiesWhiteShirt

Allows control of plant drops by requiring the use of clippers or shears to harvest items from plants.

Plant Fiber Mod by Dracavis, MCreator

Early Game Luxury!

Plant Growth Accelerator by UntouchedWagons

Accelerates plant growth by sending random ticks upwards.

Plant Mega Pack

Adds over 400 plants to your worlds

Plant Mega Pack by 10paktimbits

Add realistic plants to Minecraft.


For 1.7.10 by ModDevJ ver4

PlantTech 2 by Kaneka

Combines technology with plants.

Planter Helper by portablejim

Also known as VeinPlanter. Helps plant crops.

Plants by Shadows_of_Fire

Various plants for various mods

Plants 2 by Shadows_of_Fire

Every plant known to man. Well, almost.

Plants Plus

Plants Plus adds a whole bunch of new plants, fruits, and vegetables to the world!

Plants Wizardry by ilja615

grow decorative bushes with your wizard wand.

PlantsMod1.12.2 v1 by Professional, MCreator

Planttech by Kaneka

Mixing the best of plants and machines to create a whole new experience