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This is an example mod

Pick Block Plus by ChaosTheDude

Makes several improvements to the vanilla pick block function.

Pick Pocketer by Quarris, Lobonhibbin

Pick Pocketer allows you to steal from players and mobs.

Pick Up Notifier by Fuzs

Be notified about all the items you've just collected.

PickItUp by FunnyMan3595, narc0tiq

Allows you to pick up most blocks with your bare hand.


Fastest Pick

Pickaxe Of The God by ericr, MCreator


This adds ores for pickaxes to minecraft!

Pickaxes by dawid, MCreator

Pickle Craft by jmanpenilla

Pickle Craft

Pickle Rick by TheRealZonko, MCreator

PickleLib by DeflatedPickle

A simple library for my Minecraft Forge mods.


Test Pickle Mod

PickleTweaks by BlakeBr0

Adds random blocks and items that I use in my Pickle Packs!


Enhancements primarily designed for

Pickup Control

Control what goes into your inventory!